Deck permit Drawing Services. A permit is required for decks that are over 10 square meters (108 square feet.) and more than 0.6 meters (24 inches) above ground.
Brief description:
Preparation of Permit Drawings for proposed decks includes: site visit, pre-screening of zoning-by laws, measurement of the existing structure, elaboration of drawings for review, elaboration of working drawings for permit, trips to Building Department, all the required permit application forms filled out, and submission of building permit on behalf of the homeowner. Drawings will include BCIN stamp in every submission.
Customer is responsible for Building Permit application fees from the City.

Plans for decks include:
- Details of footings, including footing size, spacing, depth, height above grade and frost protection details.
- Sizes and Locations of all Columns; sizes, locations and spans of all beams.
- Stair Construction Details, including height and depth of stair treads and headroom above stairs (where applicable).
- Guard Construction Details, including information about openings and climbability, and the location of the guards with respect to stairways, landings, and edges of the proposed platform. Survey or site plan showing property lines, lot area, right-of-way or easements (referenced to a current survey)
- Location of existing/proposed buildings with overall dimensions and including setback dimensions to property lines and adjacent buildings.
- Summary of permitted and proposed zoning provisions to include lot area, building area (GFA), coverage, and grade elevations to confirm height.
- Dimensioned parking areas, driveways, hard & soft landscape treatments, accessory structures (sheds, decks, detached garages, etc).
Deck Permit Drawing Services
Throughout all phases of your project, Valente CAD Studio will review architectural drawings for compliance with building code and zoning requirements, will prepare a set of drawings for a permit application, and all municipal documents for Department of Buildings approval and file the appropriate applications as required by the project scope.
We are a BCIN qualified and Registered firm through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and member of the Association of Architectural Technologist of Ontario AATO.